Balding at whatever age is not without trauma. You may agree to live with it but it can’t stop bothering you. It is that visible handicap that is constantly nagging by the way people look at you, the way they judge you or the way they perceive your personality, ability and acceptability. Contrary to belief, men and women are equally susceptible to social negativity attached to baldness. Women actually are known to go into irreversible depression and tend to withdraw themselves from social mainstrain exposure. Men who are more prone to what has come to be known as malepattern baldness, lose self esteem and confidence and could become ‘losers’ in all aspects of life. The metrosexual male as we know the modern male urbanite is however no longer looking at baldness as ‘fait accompli’ and is willing to alter his hair status if he can. Same is true about his female counterpart who wants to look beyond covering her head with a dupatta. Fortunately for the present times, the solutions of the last century no longer finds favour with the new generation of hair loss victims, because those solutions never worked. Today, there is hope, for, the world is rediscovering the magic of Ayurveda all over again. Dr Raksha and her research team have been doing a lot of work in the field of hair Regrowth Syndrome and have based all their researches on cure for baldness on the time-honoured wisdom contained in Ayurveda. Her treatment centre, Amazing Herbal Remedies (AHR) has treated many men, women and children for baldness, alopecia and patchy baldness besides premature graying and scalp infections. The Ayurvedic methods used for curing baldness and other hair related maladies have been effective in all age groups. Dr Raksha’s treatment is totally herbal and safe. She has not come across any side effects so far. Her formulations are closely guarded family-secrets while the research findings are often shared with Ayurveda professionals. The most wonderful thing about AHR however is that they have been able to apply Ayurveda in combination with lifestyle correction methods in the modern perspective. The fusion of modern technologies in processing Ayurvedic formulations has made immense difference in quality of their products.
Dr.Raksha and her team can be contacted in person for consultations and check-up at: D-13, G.F., South Ext. I. New Delhi 110047. Appointments can be sought at 011-24648617/18; 41646192.
She also offers online consultations at / - TNN/TOI