Sunday, March 22, 2009


Hours of consistent hard study is the only recipe for achieving good grades in an exam. However, sitting at a desk or computer screen for hours on end can be stressful. The reason for eyestrain is that our eyes are designed to constantly shift their focus between objects that are near and objects that are far away. Eyestrain results when the eyes focus on a single close-up object for extended periods of time. Let us consider some practical steps to prevent eyestrain:
STEP 1: It is a fallacy that sitting in front of a wall improves concentration. The eyes must be able to relax for distant and near objects. Sit facing a corridor or even next to a window where you can relax your eyes by looking far. In case your room does not permit it, place a mirror above you.
STEP 2: Take a five-minute break after every 40 minutes of study as a regular routine of study. Get up and walk around the room for a while. The eyes get tired from being anchored in a fixed position for any prolonged period of time.
STEP 3: Schedule study sessions starting early morning rather than late night. The common concept is, ‘At night, I concentrate better’. For an exam, it’s not how much you read, but what you can remember and most important of all ‘reproduce’ on call. Studying in the daytime is better as you’ll study faster, with a far better reproducible memory than the same amount at night when fatigue causes loss of ability to concentrate.
STEP 4: Adjust the lighting. Though you want the area in your study to be well-lit, make sure it has enough ambient lighting. Studying in a dark room leads to eye-strain as the contrast between the lit and unlit areas is too much. Light coming from a lamp at your side and back is easier on the eyes.
STEP 5: When we concentrate hard, the blink rate of the eye drops significantly. This leads to dryness, blurring, and diffused vision. Blink frequently whenever you study for long periods at a time. Blinking helps to keep the eyes moist. Dry eyes lead to tired eyes. Using tear lubricants is a good idea.
STEP 6: If you need to work on the computer monitor, position your computer monitor or laptop so that you are not looking at the screen straight on. Your eyes are designed to work in a position of ‘depressed convergence’. The top of the screen should not be higher than your eyes. You should be viewing the screen at a slight downward angle.
STEP 7: The brightness of the screen should be the same intensity as the lighting in the room. Increase the font size for easier reading. If you experience a ‘flickering’ sensation from your computer screen, try lowering the screen’s brightness control or increase the ‘refresh’ rate. STEP 8: Cut down on large meals. It simply slows you down and loses concentration. Small meals, preferably non-oily, at regular short intervals is far better. Cut down on excess tea and coffee. It only gives temporary boost. Take your multi-vitamins regularly (shortage of Vit B1 leads to eyes tiring earlier and even slows the memory). If you end the day feeling tired, try incorporating some of these tactics into your schedule. You may be surprised what a difference such minor adjustments can make.
– DR KEIKI R MEHTA, ophthalmologist , TOI