Here’s how you can stay motivated when trying to follow a diet plan
Identify the triggers
If you want to stay motivated towards your health, you must identify your problem areas. This will help you deal with them in a planned manner. Various people use food to deal with depressing emotions, like disappointment in office, rejection in relationships or even boredom. Analyse your problem area and figure out how you can deal with it. Also, change your lifestyle a bit. Don’t stock high-calorie food so that you won’t binge during a crisis. Instead, stock healthy options such as fruits, low-fat yoghurts and sugar-free gum.
Don’t go hungry
It may sound ironic, but the biggest cause of overeating is undereating. Studies have shown, that if you go for too long without food, chances are that you will reach a point where you won’t be able to control yourself and end up bingeing. Rigid diet plans simply don’t work. Always opt for balanced and planned snacking options to keep your hunger pangs under control. Also, indulge yourself with a small treat once a week.
Find a motivator
We all need our support systems. These can be in the form of a spouse, a friend and even an online friend. Think of a couple of people around you who would qualify as your cheering buddies, and rely on them for support and encouragement to help you reach your health goal.
Good things take time
It’s very simple to see someone with a perfect body and feel jealous. However, what we don’t realise, is that the concerned person has spent adequate time and attention to get in perfect shape. It’s not something impossible. And the most important aspect you must consider, is that it will take time. Also, your body type plays an important part in this. You may even end up trying harder to achieve the same goal but the key lies in appreciating yourself for achieving smaller targets and being consistent.
Source: TOI